Readers Writers
Java Streams
Java Programming
Java Language
Java Input/Output
Java Language
Packages Interfaces
Java Classes - Quiz
Java Graphics
Java Graphics - Quiz
Java Graphics Conclusion
MultiThreaded Programming
Multithreaded Programming Basics
Thread Significance Assessment
Create Use Thread Class
Implement Runnable Interface
Sleeping Threads
Thread Synchronization
wait notify Methods
Multithreaded Programming - Conclusion
Set Daemon Threads
Multithreaded Programming - Quiz
Multithreading Fundamentals - Quiz
Handling Exceptions
Understanding Exceptions
Throwing Exception
Catching Exceptions
Catching Exceptions
Custom Exceptions
finally Clause
Handling Exceptions Conclusion
Java Input Output
Understanding Java Io
Java Streams
InputStreams Read Data
Java Streams Output
Create Stream Objects
Reading Writing Streams
Writing JavaStreams
Working With TextFiles
Input Output Conclusion
Creating Reader Stream - Exercise
Create a reader stream to read buffered data from a file.
Exercise scoring
This exercise is worth a total of 1 point. You do not have to submit your code to the course tutors to receive credit for this exercise.
Write the code to create a buffered reader that is capable of reading data from a text file named
This exercise only requires a single line of code, which you will use later in the module.
After completing the exercise, click the
button to view the result set.