Readers Writers
Java Streams
Java Programming
Java Language
Java Input/Output
Java Language
Packages Interfaces
Java Classes - Quiz
Java Graphics
Java Graphics - Quiz
Java Graphics Conclusion
MultiThreaded Programming
Multithreaded Programming Basics
Thread Significance Assessment
Create Use Thread Class
Implement Runnable Interface
Sleeping Threads
Thread Synchronization
wait notify Methods
Multithreaded Programming - Conclusion
Set Daemon Threads
Multithreaded Programming - Quiz
Multithreading Fundamentals - Quiz
Handling Exceptions
Understanding Exceptions
Throwing Exception
Catching Exceptions
Catching Exceptions
Custom Exceptions
finally Clause
Handling Exceptions Conclusion
Java Input Output
Create Reader Streams
Creating Reader Stream - Exercise
Create a reader stream to read buffered data from a file.
Exercise scoring
This exercise is worth a total of 1 point. You do not have to submit your code to the course tutors to receive credit for this exercise.
Write the code to create a buffered reader that is capable of reading data from a text file named
This exercise only requires a single line of code, which you will use later in the module.
After completing the exercise, click the
button to view the result set.