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The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is the industry standard for building enterprise and web applications.
(Java EE) has innovated over the years to cover an increasing range of application needs.
The latest edition, Java EE 6, improves on the Java EE 5 developer productivity features and adds extensibility.
Enterprises today live in a globally competitive world.
They need applications to fulfill their business needs, which are getting more and more complex. In this age of globalization, companies are distributed over continents, they do business 24/7 over the Internet and across different countries, have several datacenters, and internationalized systems which have to deal with different currencies and time zone, all that while reducing their costs, lowering the response times of their services, storing business data on reliable and safe storage, and offering several mobile and web interfaces to their customers, employees, and suppliers. Most companies have to combine these complex challenges with their existing enterprise information systems (EIS) at the same time developing business-to-business applications to communicate with partners or business-to-customer systems using mobile and geolocalized applications. It is also not rare for a company to have to coordinate in-house data stored in different locations, processed by multiple programming languages, and routed through different protocols. And, of course, it has to do this without losing money, which means preventing system crashes and being highly available, scalable, and secure.
Enterprise applications have to face change and complexity, and be robust. That is precisely why Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) was created. The first version of Java EE (originally known as J2EE) focused on the concerns that companies were facing back in 1999:
distributed components [1]. Since then, software applications have had to adapt to new technical solutions like SOAP or RESTful web services.
The Java EE platform has evolved to respond to these technical needs by providing various ways of working through standard specifications.
Throughout the years, Java EE has changed and became richer, simpler, easier to use, more portable, and more integrated.