Annotation Processor
I downloaded the source and called it AnnotationProcessor. Our class AnnotationProcessor extends AbstractProcessor.
The following commands worked at the command prompt.
D:\AnnotationsProject\out\production\AnnotationsProject>javac -d . -cp . -processor AnnotationProcessor ../../../src/
// output at the Terminal
CLASS unnamed package.TestingAnnotatedClasses is annotated with annotations.MyRuntimeAnnotation
CLASS unnamed package.TestingAnnotatedClasses is annotated with annotations.MyClassAnnotation
CLASS unnamed package.TestingAnnotatedClasses is annotated with annotations.MySourceAnnotation
javac -d . -cp . -processor AnnotationProcessor ../../../src/
The AnnotationProcessor can leverage annotations of every type of Retention Policy while it executes.
You can build an AnnotationProcessor to accomplish any task.
- generate log files
- Build XML
Look at the AnnotationTarget used to annotate Annotations.
Go back to the terminal. After we have made the changes, this is the output of the terminal session.
D:\AnnotationsProject\out\production\AnnotationsProject>javac -d . -cp . -processor AnnotationProcessor ../../../src/
CLASS unnamed package.TestingAnnotatedClasses is annotated with annotations.MyRuntimeAnnotation
FIELD TestingAnnotatedClasses.myField is annotated with annotations.MyClassAnnotation
METHOD TestingAnnotatedClasses.printRuntimeAnnotations() is annotated with annotations.MySourceAnnotation
Here is the related problem:
'author', 'version', 'description' missing though required
After adding this code
author = "Tim",
version = 1.0,
description = "This class is used for testing annotations"
the errors in disappeared.
When you run the class, this is the output that will appear.
Class Annotation: @annotations.MyRuntimeAnnotation(author="Tom", version=1.0, description="This class is used for testing annotations")
D:\AnnotationsProject\out\production\AnnotationsProject>javap annotations\MyRuntimeAnnotation
Warning: File .\annotations\MyRuntimeAnnotation.class does not contain class annotations\MyRuntimeAnnotation
Compiled from ""
public interface annotations.MyRuntimeAnnotation extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
public abstract java.lang.String author();
public abstract double version();
public abstract java.lang.String description();
Under the package annotations select MyRuntimeAnnotation
From the IntelliJ menu select
View --> Show ByteCode
Create a new directory under the AnnotationsProject and call it docs.
Under the src folder select TestingAnnotatedClasses
This is the output folder for the General HTML created through Java Docs.
@MyRuntimeAnnotation(author="Thomas Hauck",
description="This class is used for testing annotations")
public class TestingAnnotatedClasses
extends java.lang.Object