Core Tasks
- Ant
- AntCall
- AntStructure: Generates an DTD for Apache Ant buildfiles which contains information about all tasks currently known to Ant.
Ant's usage of XML cannot be captured using a DTD. Several elements in Ant can have different attribute lists depending on the element that contains them.
<fail> for example can be a task or a nested child element of the
<sound> task. Don't consider the generated DTD something to rely upon.
- Apply/ExecOn
- Available
- Basename
- BuildNumber
- BUnzip2
- BZip2
- Checksum
- Chmod
- Concat
- Condition
- Supported conditions
- Copy
- Copydir
- Copyfile
- Cvs
- CvsChangeLog
- CVSPass
- CvsTagDiff
- Defaultexcludes
- Delete
- Deltree
- Dependset
- Dirname
- Ear
- Echo
- Exec
- Fail
- Filter
- GenKey
- Get
- GUnzip
- GZip
- Import
- Input
- Jar
- Java
- Javac
- Javadoc/Javadoc2
- LoadFile
- LoadProperties
- Mail
- MacroDef
- Manifest
- Mkdir
- Move
- Parallel
- Patch
- PathConvert
- PreSetDef
- Property
- Record
- Rename
- Replace
- Rmic
- Sequential
- SignJar
- Sleep
- Sql
- Style
- Subant
- Sync
- Tar
- Taskdef
- Tempfile
- Touch
- TStamp
- Typedef
- Unjar
- Untar
- Unwar
- Unzip
- Uptodate
- Waitfor
- War
- WhichResource
- XmlProperty
- Xslt
- Zip