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Configuring J2EE Reference Implementation Software - Exercise

Configure the J2EE platform

Objective: Set the configuration files for the J2EE platform.

Exercise scoring

You will receive 1 point for this exercise. The exercise is auto-scored; when you have completed the exercise, click the Submit button to receive full credit.

Background | Overview

The J2EE configuration files need to be set to the appropriate values for your particular environment. J2EE provides defaults for most of the configuration parameters that work well for most environments and these do not need to be changed.

Download files

The required files were downloaded in the previous exercise as part of the J2EE SDK.


Follow the steps below:

1. Port numbers

If you are running J2EE on a multi-user Unix system where other students are also taking this course or someone else is running the J2EE platform, then you need to set the port numbers for the platform to a unique value. This will make sure that your environment is insulated from any other students.
The J2EE platform is not designed for multi-user use. Ask your System Administrator for two unused port numbers: one for the EJB server and one for JNDI.
In the file <J2EE_HOME>/config/ejb.properties set the http.port to one of these new numbers as follows
(assuming the port numbers given to you by your System Administrator were 9876 and 9875):

In the file <J2EE_HOME>/config/orb.properties set the port to the other number as follows:
If you have any questions about these settings, refer to the J2EE Configuration Guide, which is part of the J2EE documentation.

2. Setting your path variable

Make sure that <JAVA_HOME>/bin and <J2EE_HOME>/bin are referenced by your environment PATH variable.

3. Verify it works

In a window, run the command j2ee -verbose. Make sure that there are no error messages displayed other than those referring to the Secure Socket Layer (SSL). In another window, execute the command deploytool. Verify that there are no error messages displayed. Deploytool is a Java application and its error messages are displayed in the window from which it was started.
The output of the J2EE server should be similar to the following:

C:\WINNT2\system32>j2ee -verbose

Naming service started: :1050
Published the configuration object ...
Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/Cloudscape, url = jdbc:cloudscape:rmi:CloudscapeDB;create=true
Configuring web service using "default"
Web service started: :9191
Web service started: :7000
Configuring web service using "default"
Web service started: :8000
Endpoint [SSL: ServerSocket[addr=,port=0,localport=7000]] shutdown due to exception: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: No available certificate corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are
endpoint down: :7000
J2EE server startup complete.

In another window run the command deploytool. The output should be similar to the following:

Deployment tool version 1.0. Type deploytool -help for command line options. Starting...


If there is any confusion, refer to the online configuration guide that is part of the J2EE SDK documentation you downloaded. If the system can't find the commands when you complete step 3, make sure that that your PATH variable is correctly defined.

Submitting your exercise

Click the Submit button to receive credit for the exercise and to continue on to the next lesson.