Entity Beans  «Prev  Next»
Lesson 1

Entity Beans Course Introduction

This course deals with Entity Beans Security and Transactions.
This series explores three topics:
  1. Distributed transactions
  2. Entity beans
  3. EJB security
This course covers the use of distributed transactions to ensure the completeness of the interactions between
  1. clients,
  2. Enterprise JavaBeans,
  3. and databases.

After a discussion of transactions, the course introduces Entity beans, which provide access to persistent information stored in a database such as DB2 version 8, Oracle 8i, 9i or 10g. Included are both forms of entity beans:
  1. bean-managed persistence and
  2. container-managed persistence.

I will then begin to discuss the components that make up Entity beans.
The final part of this course discusses how to add security to your EJB environments. The concepts learned in this course will be applied to the BankAccount project exercise.
This exercise began in the first course of the Enterprise JavaBeans (known as EJB Architecture) series and continues here.

Course Goals

After completing this course, you will be able to:
  1. Program EJBs to use distributed transactions
  2. Program bean-managed and container-managed persistent entity beans
  3. Add security to your EJBs
Enterprise JavaBeans: Distributed Transactions, Entity Beans and Security is the second of two courses in the Enterprise JavaBeans series.
The first course in the series can be found here. EJB Session Beans
Additional information with respect to J2EE Security can be found by searching the JavaDeploy website.