EJB Deployment   «Prev 

Deploying Hello bean [EJB]

  1. The loaded application is displayed in the Local Applications panel. Click on HelloApp to continue.
  2. HelloApp's components and properties are displayed in the Inspecting panel. Note that there are no server applications deployed as the Server Applications panel is empty. Click on the Tools menu.
  3. Select Deploy Application… from the Tools menu.
  4. The Application Deployment Tool now displays the Deploy HelloApp window. The current EJB servers are shown here. Servers on the same machine are shown as localhost. Click in the Return Client Jar check box.
  5. The Deploy HelloApp window now displays the name and directory of the jar file that is returned to the client. It contains classes that make up the clients stub. Click the Next button to continue.
  6. The next panel allows you to enter the name that will be entered in to JNDI and used by clients to find the bean. Click in the JNDI Name field to enter the name.
  7. Type MyHello and hit return.
  8. Click the Next button to continue.
  9. The Deploy HelloApp window now indicates that the Application Deployment Tool is ready to start the deployment process. Click the Finish button to start the deployment process.
  10. A panel indicating the progress of the deployment process appears. When the deployment process is complete, the OK button will appear. If there are any problems in the deployment process you will be notified and the deployment process halts with an error message. Click on the OK button to continue.
  11. You are returned to the Application Deployment Tool main window. Note that the Server Applications panel shows that the HelloApp application is available to clients. Click the close window button (upper right corner) to continue.
  12. The J2EE server window displays the sequence of events in the deployment process if you used the -verbose flag. The final statement indicates that the Application HelloApp was deployed. This ends the simulation.