EJB Deployment   «Prev  Next»

Run Client to test Session Bean - Exercise

Run Hello client for Session Bean

Objective: Run the provided client to test the bean.

Exercise scoring

This exercise is worth a total of 2 points. To receive full credit, you willl need to follow the instructions below and send the results output.


The client program is run in a window and connects with the bean across the network. The J2EE server has to be running for the client to be able to access the bean.

Download files

The files required for this exercise were downloaded into the hello directory in an earlier exercise.


  1. Verify that the J2EE platform is running and the Hello bean is deployed. You will see HelloApp in the server applications field of the deploytool.
  2. Open a new window and make the hello directory current.
  3. Edit the compileClient and runClient script files to reflect your local environment. Make sure the runClient script file has the correct name for the jar file containing the stubs that was returned from the server during deployment. It should be HelloAppClient.jar if you have followed the instructions exactly.
  4. Compile the client with the compileClient script.
  5. Execute the runClient script file.


If it does not work, make sure all the previous steps were completed. Look for any error messages in the J2EE sever window. Look at any error messages from the client. If it does not work at all, make sure you have edited the script files exactly as instructed above.
If you get a class cast exception thrown when running the client, make sure the name of the jar file used by the client that is specified in the runClient script is correct (the jar file containing the stubs that was returned from the server during deployment).

Submitting your exercise

Take the output of the program and enter it the text box below.
Click the Submit button to Submit this exercise.