Lesson 3 | Reading from the standard input |
Objective | Use the class variable System.in. and describe an approach to reading user input. |
Java System.in Read Input
When we wrote to the standard output, we used a variable that was tied to the standard output (which is, by default, the screen). This variable was the class variable
. Similarly, when we want to read from the standard input (which is, by default, the keyboard), we use a variable tied to the standard input. This variable is the class variable
refers to a variable that is a subclass of Java's
class. This means we can use the methods defined by the
class (in particular, the
method) to read characters as the user types.
- StringBuffer
StringBuffer: If you are not familiar with the StringBuffer class, it's a class that keeps track of character data. However, unlike the String class, which is read-only (that is, once you create a String object you cannot change the characters it contains), StringBuffer is read/write. That means we can append the characters we read to the end of a StringBuffer object as we read them from the keyboard.
Here is
an example
of a program that reads one character at a time from the standard input. It adds each character read, one at a time, to an instance of class
and displays the characters read at the end.
Reading from Standard Input in Java
This program keeps reading until the user presses Enter (which the program detects by looking for a new line character).
import java.io.*;
class FirstEcho {
public static void main(String[ ] args) {
try {
char c;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while ((c = (char)System.in.read()) != '\n')
sb.append( c );
System.out.println( sb );
} catch (IOException e) {
This stand-alone program must cast the result of
to a
. The result of
is actually an
representing the ASCII character read (in other words, it is in the range of 0 to 255). However, when
reaches the end of the data, it returns the value -1. You can make this occur when entering data from the keyboard by typing Ctrl-Z. Otherwise, this will occur when reading from a file when you have reached the end. The read() method might also throw an IOException if it encountered a problem when attempting to perform the read. So, we set up the read() call within a try block and catch any IOExceptions that occur.
Java System.in Read Input Class since its Java 1.1 Inception
The `System.in` functionality in Java has largely remained the same since its inception in Java 1.1, serving as a standard input stream for reading input from the console. However, the way it is commonly used has evolved with the introduction of additional tools and classes in the Java standard library. Hereâs a breakdown of changes and improvements:
Key Changes and Enhancements
Java 1.1 - Core Functionality
- The
stream was introduced as a low-level, byte-oriented input stream.
- By default, it uses
, requiring users to handle raw bytes or wrap it in classes like
or Scanner
for reading text input.
Java 5 - Introduction of
Java 8 - Stream API Integration
Java 9 - Enhancements to
General Performance and Encoding Improvements
- Modern JVMs have optimized the performance of
over time.
- Handling of character encodings has also improved with the availability of classes like
to convert bytes to characters correctly.
Limitations that Remain Unchanged
- Blocking Nature:
remains a blocking stream, which means the program will wait until input is provided.
- Byte-Oriented: It is still fundamentally a byte stream, requiring higher-level wrappers for textual or formatted input.
The core functionality of `System.in` has not changed significantly since Java 1.1, but usability has improved with new APIs like `Scanner`, Stream API enhancements, and additional methods in the InputStream class. Developers now have more tools for handling input efficiently and intuitively, though the underlying `System.in` concept has stayed consistent.
Read Standard Input - Exercise