XML Programming  «Prev  Next»

Lesson 1

XML Fundamentals

(XML) Extensible Markup Language provides the most flexible and transportable mechanism for the exchange of data in a massively connected eweb based world. Focusing on the semantics and structure of data, XML allows for the creation of content-based documents, which may then be transformed in many ways to deliver that data in a meaningful manner to many types of devices.
XML Fundamentals shows you how to apply XML to your advantage.
You will create well-formed XML documents and DTDs.In addition, I will introduce you to the related technologies of XLink, XSL, and CSS.
  • XML Course Goals
    After completing the course, you will be able to:
    1. Explain the origins and applications for XML
    2. Create a well-formed XML document
    3. Create a DTD
    4. Use an XML parser to check well-formedness and validity
    5. Use XML related technologies such as CSS, XSL, and XLink
    6. Apply the concepts of namespaces and metadata
    7. Keep up with developments in XML

In this course, XML is presented with three kinds of interactivity:
  1. Slide Show
  2. MouseOvers, and
  3. Simulations.
The interactivity in this course gives you the opportunity to learn and apply XML concepts.
The exercises in this course are designed to take you step-by-step through the process of XML coding.
In order to learn proper coding syntax,
  1. you will edit text files which present XML code.
  2. You will create your own text files to practice manual coding skills and logical markup.
  3. You will create tags based on content rather than visual formatting.
  4. You will also create (DTDs) Document Type Definitions to define these elements for XML files.
  5. You will design style sheets for an XML document using the Extensible Style Language (XSL).
If you are using IE 8.0, one optional exercise shows you how to use your browser to check your code for well-formedness and validity.
At the end of the course, you will be able to create your own projects with XML and its related technologies In the next Lesson, the prerequisites for the course will be discussed.

SEMrush Software