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Lesson 1

ASP Browser-Server Dialog

The web taken as a whole is a complicated system consisting of browsers and servers which send and receive messages constantly. When examining the most basic interaction between a single client and server, the client needs to tell the server
  1. what document it wants,
  2. what formats it can accept.

The server has to get the right document to the right client, plus information about that document.
Web users do not think about the details and complexities of client-browser interactions. However, if you are the one doing server-based Web programming, you know that you often wind up needing to write routines to handle and monitor exceedingly complex interactions. One advantage of using ASP is that it simplifies handling many of these browser-server interactions. By using standardized objects to provide dynamic interactivity, ASP provides an easy-to-program interface to track and respond to your site's visitors.

In this module, you will learn about, see applications of, and use two of ASP's objects, the Request object and the Response object. When you complete this module, you will be able to:
  1. Explain the initial browser-server interaction on a Web site
  2. Describe the characteristics of ASP objects
  3. Describe the Request and Response objects
  4. Read and process HTML form input and browser cookies
  5. Pass HTML form data as part of a URL request
  6. Transfer a user to a different Web page
The next lesson explains the initial browser-server interaction on a Web site.