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Summary of the Schedule file in ASP

What's in
the file
What it means Default value
[REDIRECT URL] Redirection file you can use to post-process click-throughs --
[WIDTH numWidth] Width of the banner image 440
[HEIGHT numHeight] Height of the banner image 60
[BORDER numBorder] Pixel width of border around the banner image 1
* Separates the (optional) global section from the specific banner information --
adURL The location of the banner image file. --
adHomePage Location of the advertiser's home page, or a "-" if there's no home page. --
Text The alt text for the banner image. --
impressions Relative frequency of this ad's display (given as a number between 0 and 4,294,967,295). --

Creating a rotator schedule file

The Ad Rotator generates the HTML to display an advertising banner randomly selected from a rotator schedule file. The rotator schedule file contains information on each of the banners in the banner rotation system. When clicked, an advertising banner should redirect the user to the appropriate URL. For example, if you were running a banner for on your site, when the user clicked the banner, they would be automatically transferred to
The Ad Rotator does this in an indirect way. Rather than just displaying a banner that is hyperlinked to the appropriate URL, like so:
<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="/images/banner.gif">