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ASP Applications - Quiz

Each question is worth one point. Select the best answer or answers for each question.

1. An ASP application consists of what files?
Please select the best answer.
  A. All ASP and HTML files in a virtual directory.
  B. All ASP files in a virtual directory.
  C. All ASP files in a virtual directory and its subdirectories.
  D. All ASP and HTML files in a virtual directory and its subdirectories.

2. If the Application variable acImages_Dir is set to "", what HTML would be created by the statement <IMG SRC="<%=Application(acImages_Dir")%>red_btn.gif"> ?
Please select the best answer.
  A. <IMG SRC="">
  B. <IMG SRC="">
  C. <IMG SRC="acImages_Dir/red_btn.gif">
  D. <IMG SRC="">

3. What condition must you guard against to avoid having application variables update incorrectly when two users enter a site at the same time?
Please select the best answer.
  A. Race condition.
  B. Lock condition.
  C. Update condition.
  D. Unlock condition.

4. You need to keep track of the number of users on a Web site at a given time. After you initialize the counting variable, where in the Global.asa file should you increment the variable tracking the number of users?
Please select the best answer.
  A. Anywhere in the file.
  B. In the Application_OnStart procedure.
  C. In the Session_OnStart procedure.
  D. In the Application_OnEnd procedure.

5. Where is the best place in the Global.asa file for you to store external variables, such as the names of servers or database?
Please select the best answer.
  A. Anywhere in the file.
  B. In the Application_OnStart procedure.
  C. In the Session_OnStart procedure.
  D. In the Application_OnEnd procedure.

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