Perl 1
Perl 2
Building WebApps
Intro ASP
Active Server Pages
Server Side Scripting
Script Syntax
Constants Variables
Arithmetic Operators
Decision Statement
Builtin Functions
Response Write
Three Parts
ASP Object Model
Methods Write Scripts
Project Interactive Message
Server Side Conclusion
Browser Server Dialog
Browser Server Communication
Request Query String
ASP Request Cookies
ASP Response Object
Customizing User Experience
Http Protocol WebsiteVisitor
ASP Session Object
GlobalAsa File
Retrieve Server Variables
Personalize ASP WebSite
Advertisement Rotator Component
Controlling Advertisement Rotation
ASP Server Object
Customization Course Project
Http Protocol Conclusion
Building Webapps
Running ASP Web Application
Using Global Asa File
App Level Variables
Variables Race Condition
File System Object
Writing Text File
Reading Outputting Files
Write Session Variables
ASP Web App Structure
Create display ASP Log Records - Exercise
Create and display Log Records
Write ASP code to write session log records to a file and to display the file.
This exercise is worth a total of 10 points. Once you have completed your answer you will submit it.
Download files
order.htm (from the file)
Insert code in the order.asp page that will write session level variable information to a log file named 'log.txt'.
The directory in which you place this log file must already exist. Verify your script by opening up your file in NotePad.
Insert code in the a_log.asp page to display the file created in step 1.
Submitting your exercise
Enter your answer into the text box below. Click the
button to submit the code.