Lesson 3 | EJB Architecture Assumptions |
Objective | Skills learned in the first course in the EJB series |
EJB Architecture Assumptions
Describe the skills you learned in the first course in the series known as
EJB Session Beans. This lesson summarizes the knowledge and skills you learned in the first course in this series,
EJB Architecture and Session Beans.
- Distributed Applications
The beginning of the course covered the principles of distributed applications, including:
- Clients, servers, and remote objects
- Transports, Stubs, and skeletons
- The proxy pattern
- Containers and servers
- Separating business logic and system services and infrastructure
- Components
- Object Monitors
- Distributed transactions
- The deployment process
Jakarta EE Recipes
The Architecture of Enterprise JavaBeans
These principles were applied to the architecture of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). Some of the topics covered were:
- EJB clients, servers, containers, and beans
- Container services: factory, lifecycle, state management, security, naming, and transactions
- Session beans
- Stateful
- Stateless
- Entity beans
- The deployment descriptor and the jar file
- Roles and the development process
Session Beans
The course then covered session beans.
The following elements were discussed:
- Client
- JNDI lookup
- Calling the business methods
- Removing the bean
- Accessing a bean through its handle
- Home interface
- Create methods
- Remote interface
- Mapping to business methods
- Bean
- Business methods
- Container callbacks
- Passivation
- Activation
- Removing
- Session Context
- Stateless and stateful
Building applications from multiple beans
The last topic explored was the building of applications from multiple EJBs.
An EJB can be a client to another bean.
Please make sure that you are comfortable with your understanding of the topics listed above.
If you are not, or if it has been a while since you took the first course in the series, please revisit the first course before moving past this point.
EJB Architecture