Entity Beans  «Prev  Next»
Lesson 4EJB Software Requirements
Objective Entity Bean software recommendations for this course.

Entity Bean Software Recommendations

The following software is recommended to gain the benefits of Entity Beans.
  1. For Solaris: Java SE 6 or later Solaris Reference Implementation
    Java SE 6
  2. For Windows operating systems:
    Java SE 6 or later for Windows Production Release
  3. Java SDK, Enterprise Edition software (latest edition)
    Java EE at a Glance

Currently, to download the Java 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition software, you must be a member of the Oracle Technology for Java Developers. If you are not a member, you can register at the above URL and then download the software. Later in the course we will explain how to install the software.

Please note that the Java 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition requires the Java 2 SDK v1.2.2 or later. Earlier versions will not work with the current version of the Enterprise Edition.

If you have been developing Java code for some time, you are probably familiar with some of the more popular IDE's such as
  1. Eclipse
If your IDE is not Java 2 SDK v1.2.2 or later compliant, then create your code with the IDE and simply compile it with the Java 2 javac[1] and run it with the Java interpreter.

Recommended Books

The text for this course can be obtained online by visiting the course bookstore.
Java EE 8 Application Development
This book is highly recommended and contains vital information for enhancing your comprehension of J2EE Architecture.

[1] javac: Java Compiler that comes with the JDK