JavaBean Events   «Prev  Next»
Lesson 12

JavaBeans Communication Conclusion

This module covered a very important aspect of JavaBeans, namely the way in which JavaBeans communicate using events. You learned about events and how Beans use the Java 1.1 delegation event model to communicate with themselves and applications. The study of JavaBeans event communication included a close look at event listeners and sources, as well as event adapters. You also learned a great deal about how events are delivered. The module culminated with you using the BeanBox to connect Beans together with events. To be specific the manner by which JavaBeans impart utilizing occasions. You found out about occasions and how Beans utilize the Java 1.1 designation occasion model to speak with themselves and applications. The investigation of JavaBeans occasion correspondence incorporated a nearby glance at occasion audience members and sources, as well as occasion connectors. You likewise scholarly an extraordinary arrangement about how occasions are conveyed. The module finished with you utilizing the BeanBox to interface Beans along with occasions.

Event Communications - Quiz

Before you move on to the next module, make sure to click the Quiz button to take a multiple-choice quiz that has questions addressing all of the lessons you have worked through in this module.
Event Communications - Quiz
In the next module, you move on to learning about more applied aspects of JavaBeans such as persistence, serialization, and versioning. You learn how Beans are stored and retrieved through persistence and serialization. From there, you find out how Beans are maintained across different versions through versioning.