JavaBean Events   «Prev  Next»
Lesson 11Wiring Beans together with events
Objective Use the BeanBox to wire Beans together with events.

Wiring Beans with Events

You have learned how Beans communicate using events, but you have yet to see an example of Bean communication in action. One way to explore Bean communication would be to develop an application by hand that connects Beans together using code similar to what you have seen throughout this module. An even better way is to wire Beans together with events using the BeanBox. The BeanBox fully supports Bean communication using events, and allows you to wire Beans together visually using familiar event listener interfaces and event types.

Wiring Beans with Events

Click the link to wire a couple of Beans together using the BeanBox.
The next lesson concludes this module. In it, you review what you covered up to this point, and end with a short quiz.
Wiring Beans with Events