JSP - Servlets
EJB Concepts
Entity Beans
Intro JDBC
Learning JDBC
JDBC Course Project
JDBC Case Study
Business Case Conclusion
Distributed Objects
Enterprise Solutions JDBC
System Organization Role
Relational Databases
JDBC/ODBC Relationship
Microsoft API ODBC
SQL Database Processing
JDBC Architectural Models
n-tier Architectural Benefits
JDBC Mechanics
Enterprise Conclusion
JDBC Connection
JDBC URL Connection
JDBC Driver
Driver Types
Driver Manager
Sample JDBC Program
JDBC DBMS Conclusion
Database Tables
Statement Objects
Examining Query Results
Accessing Data Methods
Database Metadata
Obtain Database Content
Prepared Statements
Interface ResultSet
Transaction Methods
Isolation Levels
Understanding JDBC - Exercise
Understanding how JBDC works with Java
Describe the customer's business problem and identify if and where JDBC could be used in the solution.
This exercise is worth a total of 4 points. To receive full credit, you will need to describe the role of JDBC, at least one advantage and disadvantage of using JDBC, and at least one point about why your project is suited to use JDBC. Once you have completed your answer you will submit the exercise.
Based on what you've have learned in this module, consider the use of JDBC in your client's project, which uses a database system to answer several open questions. You will need to clearly articulate these database questions at your status report meeting with Dr. John Dorian.
Review the three following questions and include your answers in the following text box.
What role does JDBC play?
What are its advantages and disadvantages?
What are some characteristics about projects that can use the strengths of JDBC?
Submitting your exercise
Enter your answer into the text box below.
to submit the code.