Java Questions 110 -120  «Prev  Next»

hashCode(Java Questions)

  1. Should you use transient variables in your Java hashCode() implementations?

    In Java, using transient variables in hashCode() implementations is generally not recommended. Here's why:
    • Transient variables are not part of the persistent state of an object. They are not serialized when you serialize an object. If you include them in your hashCode() method, the hash code could vary between the serialized and deserialized states, leading to unexpected behavior, especially in collections like HashMap where hash codes are used for object placement and retrieval.
    • Consistency: The hashCode() method should consistently return the same hash code for the same object during an execution of a Java application, unless one of the fields used in the computation changes. Since transient fields might not be restored to their original values upon deserialization, this consistency can be compromised.
    • Equality: The contract between equals() and hashCode() mandates that if two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode() method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result. If transient variables are part of the hashCode() but not the equals() check, this contract might be violated.
    Here's a brief example of how you might implement hashCode() without considering transient variables:
    class Example {
        private final int id; // Not transient
        private transient int counter; // Transient, do not use in hashCode
        public Example(int id) {
   = id;
        public int hashCode() {
            // Use only non-transient fields
            return Objects.hash(id);
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) return true;
            if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
            Example example = (Example) obj;
            return id ==;

    In this example, counter is omitted from both hashCode() and equals() to maintain consistency. If you must include some state in your equals() and hashCode() methods, consider if that state should be serialized or if there's another way to represent that state that does not involve transient fields. Remember, the key is to ensure that the hash code remains consistent with equality checks and does not change unexpectedly due to serialization/deserialization.
    Transient variables can interfere with your equals() and hashCode() implementations. A transient variable is a variable that cannot be serialized.

  2. What are 2 basic operations you will use with collections?

    1. Add objects to the collection
    2. Remove objects from the collection

  3. What are the core interfaces you need to know for the "OCP Java 21 Developer Certification" (exam code 1Z0-830)?

    To excel in the **OCP Java 21 Developer Certification** (exam code **1Z0-830**), it's crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of several core interfaces in Java. These interfaces are fundamental to various exam topics and are integral to effective Java programming. Below is a categorized overview of these essential interfaces:
    1. Collection Framework Interfaces
      • java.util.Collection: The root interface for all collection classes, representing a group of objects known as elements.
      • java.util.List: An ordered collection (also known as a sequence) that allows duplicate elements.
      • java.util.Set: A collection that does not allow duplicate elements.
      • java.util.Map: An object that maps keys to values, with no duplicate keys allowed.
      • java.util.Queue: A collection designed for holding elements prior to processing, typically following FIFO (first-in, first-out) order.
      • java.util.Deque: A double-ended queue that allows insertion and removal of elements from both ends.
    2. Functional Interfaces
      • java.lang.Runnable: Represents a task that can be executed by a thread.
      • java.util.concurrent.Callable: Similar to Runnable but can return a result and throw a checked exception.
      • java.util.function.Function: Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.
      • java.util.function.Predicate: Represents a boolean-valued function of one argument.
      • java.util.function.Consumer: Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
      • java.util.function.Supplier: Represents a supplier of results, providing a result without any input.
    3. Stream API Interfaces
      • Represents a sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
      •, LongStream, DoubleStream: Specialized streams for primitive data types.
    4. Concurrency Utilities
      • java.util.concurrent.Executor: A simple interface that supports launching new tasks.
      • java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService: A more extensive interface that manages the lifecycle of asynchronous task execution.
      • java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture: A Future that may be explicitly completed and used to build complex asynchronous pipelines.
    5. NIO (New Input/Output) Interfaces
      • java.nio.file.Path: Represents a path in the file system.
      • java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes: Interface to access a file's basic attributes.
    6. Miscellaneous
      • java.lang.AutoCloseable: Defines the close() method, which is invoked automatically on objects managed by the try-with-resources statement.
      • java.util.Iterator: Provides methods to iterate over a collection.
      • java.lang.Comparable: Allows objects to be compared for order.
      • java.util.Comparator: Defines a comparison function, imposing a total ordering on some collection of objects.
    A solid grasp of these interfaces, their methods, and their typical use cases will significantly aid in your preparation for the OCP Java 21 Developer Certification exam. Additionally, practical experience in implementing and utilizing these interfaces will enhance your understanding and proficiency.
    Collections, List, Queue, Set, Map, Navigable Set, Sorted Set, Sorted Map, Navigable Map

  4. What are the 2 kinds of Utilities?

    Collections and Arrays.

  5. Do all collections pass the IS-A test for Collection?

    No. None of the Map-related classes and interfaces extend from Collection.


  7. From which interface are SortedMap, Hashtable, HashMap, NavigableMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap derived from?

    In Java SE 22, all the map implementations are derived from the Map interface. Here's the inheritance hierarchy for each:
    • SortedMap: Extends Map. Specifically, SortedMap extends Map directly.
    • Hashtable: Implements Map directly.
    • HashMap: Implements Map directly.
    • NavigableMap: Extends SortedMap, which in turn extends Map.
    • LinkedHashMap: Extends HashMap, which implements Map.
    • TreeMap: Implements NavigableMap, which extends SortedMap, which extends Map.

    Thus, the common ancestor for all these classes and interfaces is the Map interface.
    Here's a brief overview in a markdown list of the different types of Map Interfaces.
    • SortedMap (Interface)
      • NavigableMap (Interface)
      • TreeMap (Class)
    • HashMap (Class)
      • LinkedHashMap (Class)
    • Hashtable (Class)
    This structure shows how each of these map types relates back to the Map interface in Java SE 22.

  8. What are the 3 overloaded uses of the word collection?

    1. Collection: Represents any of the data structures in which objects are stored and iterated over
    2. Collection: java.util.Collection interface, from which Set, List, and Queue extend
    3. Collections: java.util.Collections contains static utility methods for use with collections
    The Map interface in Java is a member of the java.util package and is a part of the Java Collections Framework.
    Overview of Map Interface in Java:
    • Package: java.util
    • Part of: Java Collections Framework

    • Key-Value Storage: Map is designed to store key-value pairs where each key is unique. This structure allows for efficient retrieval of values based on their associated keys.
    • No Duplication of Keys: Unlike lists, maps do not allow duplicate keys, but values can be duplicated.

    Key Features:
    1. Basic Operations:
      • put(K key, V value): Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
      • get(Object key): Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
      • remove(Object key): Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present.
    2. Size and Emptiness:
      • size(): Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
      • isEmpty(): Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
    3. Key and Value Sets:
      • keySet(): Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map.
      • values(): Returns a Collection view of the values contained in this map.
      • entrySet(): Returns a Set view of the mappings contained in this map, each element of which is a Map.Entry.
    4. Containment:
      • containsKey(Object key): Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
      • containsValue(Object value): Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.

    Common Implementations:
    • HashMap: Provides basic key-value storage with no guaranteed order.
    • LinkedHashMap: Preserves insertion order or access order of entries.
    • TreeMap: Keeps entries sorted according to the natural ordering of its keys or by a specified comparator.
    • EnumMap: Specialized map for use with enum keys.
    • ConcurrentHashMap: Thread-safe implementation of the Map interface.

    Usage Example:
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class MapExample {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Map<String, Integer>  map = new HashMap <> ();
            // Adding elements
            map.put("one", 1);
            map.put("two", 2);
            map.put("three", 3);
            // Retrieving an element
            System.out.println("Value for key 'two': " + map.get("two")); // Output: Value for key 'two': 2
            // Checking if a key exists
            System.out.println("Contains key 'four': " + map.containsKey("four")); // Output: Contains key 'four': false
            // Size of the map
            System.out.println("Size of map: " + map.size()); // Output: Size of map: 3
            // Iterating over entries
            for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                System.out.println("Key: " + entry.getKey() + ", Value: " + entry.getValue());
    The Map interface is incredibly versatile, serving as the foundation for various map implementations which cater to different needs in terms of performance, thread-safety, and ordering.

  9. What kind of data type is collections?

    Collections is a class [Static Utility Methods]. Collection is an interface with declarations of the methods common to most collections including
    1. add
    2. remove
    3. contains
    4. size
    5. iterator

  10. What are the four types of Collections?

    1. L - Lists
    2. M - Maps
    3. Q - Queues
    4. S - Sets

    Here's an elaboration on the four types of Collections in Java SE 17:
    L - Lists: Lists in Java are ordered collections where elements can be accessed by their index. Here are some key points:
    • Implementation:
      • ArrayList: Resizable-array implementation. Best for scenarios where frequent access by index is required but less effective for insertions/deletions at arbitrary positions.
      • LinkedList: Doubly-linked list. Better for frequent insertions and deletions, especially at the beginning or end, but slower for random access.
    • Features:
      • Allow duplicate elements.
      • Maintain insertion order (unless specified otherwise by operations like sort()).
      • Common methods include add(), get(int index), remove(int index), set(int index, E element).
    • Use Case: When you need a sequence of elements where order matters, or when you frequently need to add or remove elements from specific positions.

    M - Maps: Maps store key-value pairs where each key is unique:
    • Implementation:
      • HashMap: For basic key-value storage with no guaranteed order.
      • LinkedHashMap: Maintains insertion order of entries.
      • TreeMap: Sorted map based on keys' natural ordering or by a comparator.
    • Features:
      • Keys must be unique (duplicates are not allowed), values can be duplicated.
      • Methods like put(K key, V value), get(Object key), remove(Object key).
      • Supports operations like keySet(), values(), and entrySet() for different views of the map.
    • Use Case: Ideal when you're dealing with data that needs to be looked up by a unique identifier (key), like a dictionary or a simple database.

    Q - Queues: Queues are collections designed for holding elements before processing:
    • Implementation:
      • PriorityQueue: Elements are ordered by natural ordering or by a comparator provided at queue construction time.
      • LinkedList can also be used as a queue with offer(), poll(), peek() methods.
    • Features:
      • Follows First-In-First-Out (FIFO) structure by default, but can be priority-based.
      • Common operations include offer(E e) for adding, poll() for retrieving and removing the head, peek() for retrieving without removal.
    • Use Case: Useful in scenarios involving task scheduling, job queues, or any situation where elements are processed in the order they arrive or based on priority.

    S - Sets: Sets are collections that do not allow duplicate elements:
    • Implementation:
      • HashSet: For basic set operations without order maintenance.
      • LinkedHashSet: Preserves insertion order.
      • TreeSet: Elements are stored in sorted order.
    • Features:
      • No duplicate elements are allowed.
      • Basic operations include add(E e), remove(Object o), contains(Object o).
      • Useful methods like size(), isEmpty(), clear().
    • Use Case: When you need to keep unique elements, like for deduplication or when the uniqueness of elements is crucial, for instance in mathematical set operations or in caching mechanisms where keys must be unique.

    Each of these collection types serves different needs based on the characteristics of data handling required by your application. Understanding when to use which type can significantly optimize your code's performance and clarity.

  11. How should one think of sorting?

    Sorting is a specific type of ordering.

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