In Java SE 17, the `LinkedList` class is an implementation of the `List` and `Deque` interfaces, providing a doubly-linked list data structure. Here are the key characteristics of the `LinkedList`:
- Dynamic Data Structure: `LinkedList` dynamically allocates memory for elements, allowing for efficient insertion and removal operations. It does not require a contiguous memory block or pre-allocation of space.
- Doubly-Linked List: Each element in a `LinkedList` (known as a node) contains two references: one to the next node in the list and another to the previous node, enabling bidirectional traversal.
- Implements Interfaces: It implements `List`, `Deque`, and `Queue` interfaces, allowing it to be used as a list, double-ended queue, or queue.
- Element Access: Direct access to elements is not as efficient as in an `ArrayList` because it requires sequential traversal from the beginning or end of the list (whichever is closer) to reach the desired element.
- Insertion and Deletion: `LinkedList` allows for constant-time insertions and deletions at both ends of the list and anywhere within the list if an iterator is already at the position, making these operations faster compared to an `ArrayList`.
- Null Elements: `LinkedList` permits the inclusion of null elements.
- No Size Limitations: The list grows automatically as elements are added. There is no need to specify an initial capacity.
- Sequential Access Performance: Iterative operations perform well due to the sequential access nature of linked lists. However, random access is costly due to the need to traverse the list.
- Stack and Queue Operations: As a `Deque` implementation, it provides methods to support stack operations (`push`, `pop`, `peek`) and queue operations (`offer`, `poll`, `peek`).
- Not Synchronized: `LinkedList` is not synchronized, meaning that if multiple threads modify a `LinkedList` concurrently, it must be synchronized externally.
- Cloneable and Serializable: `LinkedList` implements the `Cloneable` and `Serializable` interfaces, so it can be cloned and serialized.
- Memory Overhead: Each element in a `LinkedList` has more memory overhead compared to `ArrayList` because of the additional previous and next pointers.
In summary, `LinkedList` is suitable for applications where frequent insertions and deletions are required, and where memory allocation is more flexible. However, if fast random access to elements is a priority, an `ArrayList` might be preferred over a `LinkedList`.
A linkedlist is orderd by index position, like ArrayList, except that the elements are doubly-linked to one another.