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Data Types and Casting (Interview Questions)

  1. Are char and short smaller datatypes than int (Meaning their capacity to hold data is less than that of int)?
  2. What is the result of an expression involving anything int-sized or smaller?
    The result of an expression involving anything int-sized or smaller is always an int.
  3. What is the correct way to cast two byte data types that you are adding?
    Suppose you are given
    byte a= 3; 
    byte b= 5; 
    byte c= a + b; 

    The correct way to cast is by using the datatype byte
    c = (byte)(a + b);
  4. The following is an example of an explicit cast.
    float a = 100.001f;
    int b = (int) a; //
  5. Can an integer value fit in a 64-bit double data type?
    An integer value can fit in a 64-bit double as shown by the following code.
    double d1 = 64.0;
    int i1 = 13;
    d1 = i1;
  6. How do you initialize a double with a long value?
    : The long value must be cast to double.
    Double d= (double) 100L;
  7. Can you assign an int data type to a float without casting.
    float f1 = 34.0f;
    int j = 13;
    f1 = j;
  8. What must be done, in order to assign a floating-point literal to a float variable, you must either 1) cast the value or 2) append a f to the end of the literal.
    float h = 498.47F;
  9. Show two examples of the byte datatype where the compilation succeeds and the compilation fails?
    byte a= 127; //Compilation succeeds
    byte b = 128;	//Compilation fails
  10. What happens when you narrow a primitive in Java?
    When you narrow a primitive, Java simply truncates the high-order bits that will not fit. In other words, it loses all the bits to the left of the bits you are narrowing to.