JSP - Servlets
EJB Concepts
Entity Beans
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Servlet Intro
Java Servlets
HTTP Stateless Information
Problems with CGI
Java Servlet Advantages.
Servlet GET Requests
Software Configuration
Java Servlet Development Kit
Configuring JSDK
Text Editor
JSDK Server
Java Web Server
Installing Java Web Server
Testing Administering Web Server
Other Web Servers
Non Servlet Server Add Ons
Webserver Config Conlusion
Servlet Page Generation
doGet Servlet Method.
Simple Servlet generates HTML
Generating Page from Servlet
Maintaining Servlet State
HTML Form Creation
Form Servlet Communication
Generating Servlet Form
Start Web Server
Processing Servlet Form
Web Page Generation
Servlet Database Connection
What Is JDBC
JDBC Servlets
SQL Commands
JDBC Data Source
JDBC Connection
Datasource Java
Read Data From Resultset
JDBC Resultset Example
Write To Database
Servlet Operations Conclusion
Applet Servlet Interaction
Java Browser Versions
Java Applet Tutorial
Send Get Servlet
Connect Server Get Request
Servlet Receives Get Request
Display Servlet Response
Reading Servlet Response
AppletServlet Communication Conclusion
Lesson 11
Servlet Crud Operations Conclusion
In this module, you learned how to work with databases using the JDBC-ODBC bridge, and the SQL language. Specifically, you can now:
Explain the roles of Java, servlets, JDBC, ODBC, and database software in getting information between a database and a servlet
Set up an ODBC data source as a System DSN
Choose whether to connect to your database in init() or getPost()
Write code to connect to a database
Write code to read from a database
Write code to update records in a database
Terms and concepts
This module introduced you to the following key terms and concepts:
JDBC-ODBC bridge
SQL Statement:
The other very common activity for a server-side program is to send email. You will learn about that in the next module.
Database Access | Servlets - Quiz
The following quiz poses questions with respect to database programming and Java servlets.
Database Access - Servlets - Quiz